
Hiya! you in the ether world there. I wonder if you have the same problems that I do. How to be productive. How to live life. How to get through the day. Or do all those things seem silly to you now? Are you just drifting about like some Cheshire cat smile? Are you conscious?

I think I’ve been driving myself crazy over the big “what to do” to keep myself occupied and fulfilled. Maybe I need to start smaller with each day. I was reminded of Helen and Scott Nearings prescription blueprint which was (to paraphrase) four hours of work in the garden, on the homestead, four hours of education and learning and four hours of socialization. That seems like a bit too much socialization for me. 🙂 Better one to two hours of physical exercise, four hours of working on the homestead, four hours of reading, learning or artistic endeavor and two hours of socialization. That would be pretty good to achieve.

Got into the itchy, horrible stuff out in the yard but it’s only broken out a small section on my forearm. It’s manageable. I’m headed out there right now even though it’s the middle of the afternoon. I have to strike when I have the motivation.

Love you!