
Made a three week trip to the States. Spent time with Caitlin in Chicago and with Chrissy in Wilmington, Oh. Yes, she moved. They have a nice home on fifty plus acres, room for the kids to explore as they grow. Logan is a little boy at four and the twins have grown into little people. It’s hard to think back on what they were like when they were born, when you were still here and I went to help Chris.

The weather was lovely while I was in Illinois and Ohio. It snowed two days after I left. Good timing. Even better is the fact that the heat broke here and it has been cooler since my return.

For the first few days after I arrived home I was fatigued to the point that I thought I might be ill but no, I was just tired from traveling. It is exhausting to always be in someone else’s home and on their schedule. It doesn’t matter who it is.

I was also a little depressed when I first came back. I wondered why I am left here and if it’s just laziness that keeps me here. Truth is that is part of it. The physical move is daunting to contemplate. Oh, the paperwork! Hahahaha! Paperwork, my nemesis! Well, anyway. I still haven’t finished repainting. That’s what I was going to do before I decided to put the house on the market. I will vacation with Kay in April, in five months and then I will make a final decision. Putting the house on the market might actually might mean nothing. Houses for sale sit for years and years without movement. I don’t know if the prices are so inflated or what. We have quite a bit invested here with the house, the porch, the fence, the shed and the carport. Can’t let it go for nothing. I would just want to be able to cover the purchase price of a new, small space and the move. Not looking to make a profit. It looks to me like I am still talking about going home, home to the U.S.

My travel day home was on your 61st birthday. Happy birthday, Baby. You should still be here. Dammit, David! God dammit! I love and miss you. Dari