Dear Margaret,

“Reeling from the shock” still describes us all, Margaret. Don’t be sorry that you didn’t come to Miami. David was kept under sedation the entire time. I am sad that he didn’t see Yuri beside him. I hope he heard his voice and that it comforted him.

I honestly, don’t know what to write. I lost the love of my life. You lost a brother. I know your heart and the hearts of your family ache for him as well. You have so many memories of him that I do not. I’m envious.

He always told me that he was living on borrowed time because of his family’s heart history. I don’t know if we truly believed it but it turned out to be prophetic.

I believe David was happy. He liked Belize. He surprised me. I always talked about traveling to different places but he turned out to be the truly adventurous one. He made our retirement here happen. He seemed to adapt to this climate and culture easily. We were beginning to talk about the possibility of even more adventures. We were just getting started. I will try to be like him, self sufficient and kind. He was always content with who he was. How many of us can say that? He was quirky, funny and very, very smart. When I get really sad I must remind myself that I had twenty one years and more with him. It has to be enough.

Thank you for the picture.  image

The week we were with him at the hospital in Miami gave us time to have a sense of closure. The kids and I will lay a wreath when we scatter his ashes on the sea. There was no ceremony for you. I’m sorry for that but could not bear it and I needed to get home. Please forgive me.

Give my best to everyone. Hold him in your heart.
