

There’s my honey golfing. Tomorrow Eileen and Grorge are coming over to pick up the materials you hold for the Friends of the CS Golf Course. I have been irrationally teary all day about it. Every time someone comes and takes something away it is like losing a piece of you. I’m glad to get the things out of the shed but I still can’t stop crying. I will give most of our clubs to the course here. I think we have three or four sets of our own. Hey David, Louise Suggs recently died. I still have that set with her name I got from Caitlin’s grandma.
imageWe have a zero balance at the University of Miami Hospital as of today. Your credit card balances remain unpaid. I’m just waiting. I don’t want my cash to go down to nothing and then need it. I’m worried about the QRP mandatory deposit before I file for renewal come December. (I want to continue to nag you posthumously about this.) I was concerned this would be a problem and I believe it is…for me. I worry about the coming tax bill. I took out the remainder of my small retirement account to pay the bills. It’s not enough to cover everything, credit cards and taxes but there will be taxes due because my withdrawal plus your 401K loan payout that automatically occurred when you died. No taxes were paid on that. 

Today I want to pack up the animals, load up the truck and drive home to the U.S. I have an idea that’s going to happen ultimately.  Why do I feel like such a failure when I contemplate returning home? I would not settle anywhere initially but travel around the U.S. until I found a place where I wanted to remain.

Today a realtor called from Placencia. I had to tell her that you died and our plans to build on the peninsula were no longer intact. Moving to south is another scenario I think about.

I will let Lincoln sell this house.